RealNetworks RealGames StubbyUtil.ProcessMgr.1 ActiveX Control 
(InstallerDlg.dll v2.6.0.445) Multiple Remote Commands Execution 

tested against Internet Explorer 9, Vista sp2

download url:


When choosing to play with theese online games ex. the game called
"My Farm Life" (see url: )
you download an installer called 

This setup program installs an ActiveX with the following settings:

CLSID: {5818813E-D53D-47A5-ABBB-37E2A07056B5}
Progid: StubbyUtil.ProcessMgr.1
Binary Path: C:\Program Files\RealArcade\Installer\bin\InstallerDlg.dll
Safe For Initialization (Registry): True
Safe For Scripting (Registry): True

This control is safe for scripting and safe for initialization,
so Internet Explorer will allow scripting of this control from


This control has four methods implemented insecurely:

CreateVistaTaskLow()      -> allows to launch arbitrary commands
Exec()                    -> allows to launch arbitrary commands
ExecLow()                 -> allows to launch arbitrary commands
ShellExec()               -> allows to launch arbitrary executables

other attacks are possible , 
see typelib:

class IProcessMgr { /* GUID={860450DB-79C1-44E4-96E0-C89144E4B444} */
        /* DISPID=1610612736 */
        function QueryInterface(
                /* VT_PTR [26] [in] --> ? [29]  */ &$riid,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [out] --> VT_PTR [26]  */ &$ppvObj 
        /* DISPID=1610612737 */
        /* VT_UI4 [19] */
        function AddRef(
        /* DISPID=1610612738 */
        /* VT_UI4 [19] */
        function Release(
        /* DISPID=1610678272 */
        function GetTypeInfoCount(
                /* VT_PTR [26] [out] --> VT_UINT [23]  */ &$pctinfo 
        /* DISPID=1610678273 */
        function GetTypeInfo(
                /* VT_UINT [23] [in] */ $itinfo,
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $lcid,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [out] --> VT_PTR [26]  */ &$pptinfo 
        /* DISPID=1610678274 */
        function GetIDsOfNames(
                /* VT_PTR [26] [in] --> ? [29]  */ &$riid,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [in] --> VT_PTR [26]  */ &$rgszNames,
                /* VT_UINT [23] [in] */ $cNames,
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $lcid,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [out] --> VT_I4 [3]  */ &$rgdispid 
        /* DISPID=1610678275 */
        function Invoke(
                /* VT_I4 [3] [in] */ $dispidMember,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [in] --> ? [29]  */ &$riid,
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $lcid,
                /* VT_UI2 [18] [in] */ $wFlags,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [in] --> ? [29]  */ &$pdispparams,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [out] --> VT_VARIANT [12]  */ &$pvarResult,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [out] --> ? [29]  */ &$pexcepinfo,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [out] --> VT_UINT [23]  */ &$puArgErr 
        /* DISPID=1 */
        /* VT_BOOL [11] */
        function Exec(
                /* VT_PTR [26] [in] --> VT_BSTR [8]  */ &$mod,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [in] --> VT_BSTR [8]  */ &$cmdline,
                /* VT_BOOL [11] [in] */ $__MIDL_0097,
                /* VT_BOOL [11] [in] */ $__MIDL_0098,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [in] --> VT_BSTR [8]  */ &$__MIDL_0099 
                /* method Exec */
        /* DISPID=2 */
        /* VT_BOOL [11] */
        function IsFinished(
        /* DISPID=3 */
        /* VT_UI4 [19] */
        function CreateNamedMutex(
                /* VT_BSTR [8] [in] */ $__MIDL_0102 
        /* DISPID=4 */
        function ReleaseMutex(
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $__MIDL_0104 
        /* DISPID=5 */
        function CloseMutex(
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $__MIDL_0105 
        /* DISPID=6 */
        /* VT_BOOL [11] */
        function ObtainMutex(
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $__MIDL_0106 
        /* DISPID=7 */
        /* VT_BOOL [11] */
        function WaitOnMutex(
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $__MIDL_0108,
                /* VT_INT [22] [in] */ $__MIDL_0109 
        /* DISPID=8 */
        function CloseEvent(
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $__MIDL_0111 
        /* DISPID=9 */
        function FireEvent(
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $__MIDL_0112 
        /* DISPID=10 */
        /* VT_UI4 [19] */
        function CreateNamedEvent(
                /* VT_BSTR [8] [in] */ $__MIDL_0113 
        /* DISPID=11 */
        /* VT_UI4 [19] */
        function ExitCode(
        /* DISPID=12 */
        function CreateVistaTaskLow(
                /* VT_BSTR [8] [in] */ $bstrExecutablePath,
                /* VT_BSTR [8] [in] */ $bstrArguments,
                /* VT_BSTR [8] [in] */ $workDir 
        /* DISPID=13 */
        /* VT_BOOL [11] */
        function ExecLow(
                /* VT_BSTR [8] [in] */ $__MIDL_0116,
                /* VT_BSTR [8] [in] */ $cmdline,
                /* VT_PTR [26] [in] --> VT_BSTR [8]  */ &$workDir 
        /* DISPID=14 */
        function ShellExec(
                /* VT_BSTR [8] [in] */ $__MIDL_0117 
        /* DISPID=15 */
        function Sleep(
                /* VT_UI4 [19] [in] */ $__MIDL_0118 

binary info:
>lm -vm
    Image path: C:\Program Files\RealArcade\Installer\bin\InstallerDlg.dll
    Image name: InstallerDlg.dll
    Timestamp:        Mon Mar 14 14:22:44 2011 (4D7E6B04)
    CheckSum:         00000000
    ImageSize:        00064000
    File version:
    Product version:
    File flags:       0 (Mask 3F)
    File OS:          4 Unknown Win32
    File type:        2.0 Dll
    File date:        00000000.00000000
    Translations:     0409.04b0
    ProductName:      InstallerDlg Module
    InternalName:     InstallerDlg
    OriginalFilename: InstallerDlg.dll
    FileDescription:  InstallerDlg Module
    LegalCopyright:   Copyright 2010

pocs availiable here:

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