a bug in wordpress  Flexible Custom Post Type plugin that allows to us to occur 
a Cross-Site Scripting on a Remote machin.

#                Islamic Republic Of Iran Security Team                         
#                           Www.IrIsT.Ir                                        
# wordpress  Flexible Custom Post Type plugin  Xss Vulnerabilities              
# Download......: 
# Bug Found.....: IrIsT™                                                        
# discovery.....: Am!r (IrIsT™)                                                 
# contact.......: Amir[at]IrIsT.ir                                              
# Exploit.......: 
# Google Search.: "Powered By wordpress"                                        
# SP TNX........: B3HZ4D & satanicstar & SeCuRiTy & m3hdi & vahid4251 & all 
IrIsT members                           #
# & h4ckcity.org & phc.ir & zarbat.org & kalkalhacking.iranpanel.com & 
farbodmahini &all SP                         #

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