[ - Introduction - ]

It is a pleasure to invite you to submit abstracts to iSecCon 2018, the annual 
Security Conference at Intel.

This prestigious conference aims to bring together esteemed speakers from the 
industry, government and academia to share knowledge and leading-edge ideas 
about security and related topics. This is an
excellent opportunity to network with like-minded people and enthusiasts.

The conference is an English speaking-only conference, with ALL talks in 

[ - Venue - ]

Intel Corporation; Ronler Acres 4 (RA4) Campus, 2501 NW Century Blvd
Hillsboro OR 97124, OR, United States.

[ - Dates - ]

Conference Dates - Dec 4th  & Dec 5th , 2018
Abstract registration deadline - July 25th , 2018
Notification to authors - Aug 6th  , 2018

[ - Submission Instructions - ]

Authors will submit their abstracts to Easy Chair, a public conference 
management site independent of Intel and should not disclose confidential 
information that they and/or their respective employers
are not ready to share with the public.

Please bear in mind that no sales pitches will be allowed. If your presentation 
involves advertisement of products or services please do not submit as your 
submission will be rejected.

Selected speakers will be required to sign an NDA (if it does not exist 
already) and a personal release waiver form to enable their pictures/bios to be 
posted on the Intel website.
Speakers will be allocated 60 minutes of presentation time with 10 minutes for 
Please ensure you provide the following details along with your abstract 

* General topic of the speech (e.g.: network security, secure programming, 
computer forensics, etc.)
* Short biography of the presenter, including organization, company and 
* A brief but informative description of your talk
* Estimated time-length of your talk
* Links to other papers you have authored and/or videos of your talks
* Names of other conferences you have presented at and when
* Do you need a visa to enter USA?
* Relevance of your topic to Intel
* Changes you would like to see in Intel products/research/approach
* Do you need special equipment to be provided by Intel for your talk? 

[ - Topics - ]

The conference committee gives preference to presentations with practical 

Example topics include, but are not limited to (in no specific Priority order):

* Exploit development techniques
* Penetration testing
* Hardware hacking, embedded systems and other electronic devices
* Reverse engineering
* Information about smart-card and RFID security
* Cryptography
* Communication security
* Web application security
* Mobile devices exploitation
* Rootkits
* Denial of service attacks and/or countermeasures
* Side Channel and Physical Attacks
* Fuzzing
* Techniques for development of secure software and systems
* Analysis of virus, worms and all sorts of malware
* Security in Wi-Fi and VoIP environments
* Security aspects in SCADA and industrial environments and "obscure" networks
* AI and Machine Learning
* FW
* Privacy
* Automotive
* Block Chain
* Emerging Threat Intelligence
* Smart Contracts

[ - Program Committee - ]

* Rodrigo Branco (BSDaemon), Chief Security Researcher, Intel Corporation 
(STrategic Offensive Research & Mitigations - STORM, IPAS)
* Deepak K Gupta, Security Researcher, Intel Corporation (Windows OS Group)
* Marion Marschalek, Senior Security Researcher, Intel Corporation (STrategic 
Offensive Research & Mitigations - STORM, IPAS)
* Martin Dixon, Chief Security Architect, Intel Corporation (IPAS)
* Vincent Zimmer, Senior Principal Engineer, Intel Corporation (Software and 
Services Group)
* Matt Miller, Partner, Microsoft Corporation
* Cesar Cerrudo, CTO, IOActive
* Thomas Dullien ("Halvar Flake"), Staff Engineer, Google Project Zero
* Shay Gueron, Senior Principal Engineer, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

[ - Speaker Perks - ]

* Travel expenses will be covered for U.S. resident speakers
* Travel expenses up to USD 1,200.00 will be covered for each non U.S. resident 
* Accommodation will be provided for two nights
* Networking opportunities with technologists from Intel Corporation
* Invitation to Social Event and Speaker dinner

Please click on the following link to submit your abstract. You will need to 
create an account before you make a submission.

[ - Contact Information - ]

Please contact if you have questions.

Thank you.

iSecCon Committee

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