David Herron wrote:
I would be happy to have more quality metrics like findbugs results
to publish on the site.

On that note, has anyone set up or thought about setting up a public continuous builder for OpenJDK, e.g. using Hudson? This would ensure that the codeline is still buildable (of course), and could show test status, show FindBugs metrics, permit downloads of snapshot builds, etc.

One issue with Hudson is that it does not yet support the Forest extension in its Mercurial plugin. You can 'hg fpull -u' in your build script to do the update, but then the changelog will only show changes in the root tree, and polling will not work correctly. Probably fixable in the plugin; or it might just be better to set up a separate job for each tree, assuming these components can be built meaningfully in isolation (definitely true for langtools). You can also have "downstream" jobs, so it would be possible for a jdk job to use binary artifacts from the most recent successful build of a hotspot job, assuming the makefile supports this scenario.

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