Many code bases qualify as "compiler stress tests".
I once recommended that the gcc team use
XEmacs as a stress test because the source code's
unusual C/C++/Lisp style tended to tickle gcc bugs.
I fondly remember the old "C preprocessor fails when a
macro call contains a comment longer than 128 lines"
gcc bug.

Hotspot is an even better compiler stress test.
Again I recommend that the gcc team use it
as part of their testing cycle.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 3:55 AM, Andrew Haley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erik Trimble wrote:
>> Consequently, it is very sensitive to bugs and changes in a compiler.
>> For large organizations (such as those managing a distro), it may make
>> sense to put in the effort to make sure their "standard" compiler works
>> with OpenJDK.   It is none too difficult for even such an org to use a
>> different compiler, though.
> I have a very bad feeling about this.  In the Bad Old Days when I
> worked in proprietary software, it was not uncommon that a code base
> would only compile correctly with a "blessed" compiler.  Eventually,
> that compiler would be withdrawn from support or we'd need to use a
> new compiler for some other reason, and we'd have to fix the bugs in
> our code base to work with the new compiler.  I now regard such
> antediluvian habits as grossly unprofessional, and I have no desire to
> go back to them.
>> For smaller companies and individuals, I think we (i.e. the community,
>> not just Sun), should _strongly_ encourage them to pick one of the
>> handful of "official" compilers, which are specified in the source
>> documentation.
> Quite a few Linux distros are downstream of Red Hat, and start with a
> compiler built from the Red Hat branch.  The RH compiler has built an
> entire Linux distro, after all.
> The changes we had to make to build OpenJDK with gcc 4.3 were to fix
> nonstandard C++ code and to turn off -Werror because gcc 4.3 is much
> more fulsome in its warnings.  Rather than insist on using an older
> compiler, we would probably be better off fixing the code that
> generates the warnings.
>> Certainly, we should pick compiler versions which are easily
>> available, and will remain so for several years.
> One of the great things about pushing HotSpot into the open is that it
> will be useful as a test for compilers.  If, as you say, it is so much
> harder to compile than virtually any other piece of software, it will
> be a great test.
> Andrew.

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