On 4/23/2009 10:15 PM Kelly O'Hair wrote:
The primary reason for the special case on Windows is the unreliability
and slowness of the network connections.
Builds using a local jdk vs. a J:/ mapped can be 5 hours long when
they might normally be 1hr or less. These just come from reports I
have gotten over the years, and it's really depends on the Windows
machine, the network, etc.

Bottom line, builds are always faster and more reliable when all components
are stored on local disk, and this is particularly true on Windows.
I totally agree with that. That's why my J: disk is NOT a network share, but a local directory that is mapped on the J: drive using the 'subst' command. This directory, however, gets synced with the real /java network share from time to time. So not setting the ALT_BOOTDIR does not slows down my builds in any way. What's more, it enables me to build by just issuing the make command, w/o setting ANY ALT_ variables in most cases.

Having said all that, I ALWAYS set ALT_BOOTDIR to my local copy
(and ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH too). So I probably would not be impacted
by this change, but I bet quite a few people rely on this c:/jdk1.6.0
default. With enough warning you might be able to change this.
I believe most people that might possibly be affected by this change reside on this mailing list. Who isn't - they probably either use the ALT_BOOTDIR, or, in the worst case, will be able to easily identify the problem since the reported error will include the /NO_BOOTDIR/ path to the javac compiler.

best regards,


I have been recently working on the JavaFX build dependency issues
and although it's more ant based, some of the techniques could apply
to making OpenJDK builds easier. Unfortunately, there is only 24hrs
in a day. :^{


Anthony Petrov wrote:

Back in 2007 we already discussed this issue with Kelly, but transitioning to Mercurial just stopped the work. So, I would like to revive this now.

Here's a part of the output generated by `grep -r BOOTDIR make/*`:

make/common/shared/Defs-solaris.gmk: _BOOTDIR1 =$(SLASH_JAVA)/re/jdk/$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION)/archive/fcs/binaries/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH) make/common/shared/Defs-solaris.gmk: _BOOTDIR2 =$(USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) make/common/shared/Defs-windows.gmk: _BOOTDIR1 =$(_system_drive)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) make/common/shared/Defs-windows.gmk: _BOOTDIR2 =$(USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) make/common/shared/Defs-linux.gmk: _BOOTDIR1 =$(SLASH_JAVA)/re/jdk/$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION)/archive/fcs/binaries/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH) make/common/shared/Defs-linux.gmk: _BOOTDIR2 =$(USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION)

One can notice that the _BOOTDIR1 is defined differently on MS Windows platform. I would like to propose a change so that its value would be the same as on other platforms. The SLASH_JAVA on MS Windows equals to the J: drive. So one could setup the same directory tree as on Linux/Solaris, use the subst command to make the directory the J: drive, and be able to build the jdk w/o specifying the ALT_BOOTDIR variable manually.

Is there any objection to removing the $(_system_drive)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) default path?

best regards,

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