On 14:44 Mon 29 Nov     , Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Need reviewers and comments:
>    6989472: Provide simple jdk identification information in the  
> install image
>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ohair/openjdk7/jdk_release/webrev/
> With JDK6 Updates we purposely resisted many rebranding changes that  
> could impacted
> customers, however at one point we had accidently changed the Windows  
> COMPANY value thinking that no one would be looking at it.
> We were wrong and this change cause Eclipse failures, so we are  
> looking for a solution, see:
>     https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=321390
> So we went back and change JDK6 Updates back the way it was, and  
> learned a valuable lesson.
> But we have and will change JDK7 in this regard, so we wanted a better  
> way for an app to
> know what it had it's hands on without using platform specific  
> information in the binary files.
> The above change creates a small text file called "jdk.release" at the  
> top of the install image
> with some basic values that could help direct any app using the jdk in  
> constructing a command
> line or even being assured that this jdk install image will even work  
> on your existing system.
> In the Eclipse case it was looking for "Sun", but I suspect it really  
> wanted to know if the VM was
> "Hotspot" because I think it was trying to set a Hotspot specific  
> PermGen option.
> In any case I think this jdk.release file should provide the necessary  
> answers in the future.
> The make variable COMPANY_NAME determines the vendor name during a  
> build,
> so a Linux 64bit build from a make command line like:
>     make COMPANY_NAME="Test Company Name"
> should result in a jdk.release file that looks something like:
> os.name = Linux
> os.version = 2.6
> os.arch = amd64
> java.vendor = Test Company Name
> java.version = 1.7.0-internal
> java.vm.vendor = Test Company Name
> java.vm.name = Hotspot(TM)
> java.vm.version = 20.0-b02
> A formal Oracle jdk7 EA build on Linux 64bit should look something like:
> os.name = Linux
> os.version = 2.6
> os.arch = amd64
> java.vendor = Oracle Corporation
> java.version = 1.7.0-ea
> java.vm.vendor = Oracle Corporation
> java.vm.name = Hotspot(TM)
> java.vm.version = 20.0-b02
> Comments are welcome. Although, polite constructive comments are  
> probably more what I'd like to see. ;^)
> -kto

So what happens if a build does not set COMPANY_NAME?  There won't
always be an appropriate value for this.

Given this is aimed mainly at the Eclipse hackers, have they been
notified of this addition?

I agree with the previous comment that it should use the standard
'.properties' extension and be standardised for cross-JDK usage.  Of
course, that's only useful if the JSR concerned is actually available
under terms which will allow their use with FOSS.  I believe this is
still not the case with most JSRs.

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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