On 14:33 Thu 21 Apr     , Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> This started out as an annoyance around the use of -Wno-clobber on Linux when 
> the gcc might
> not support it. Turned into fixing several CC_VER checks in the makefiles:
> 7038711: Fix CC_VER checks for compiler options, fix use of -Wno-clobber
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ohair/openjdk7/jdk7-build-ccver/webrev/
> -kto

Is there a reason for keeping this static linking at all?

-ifeq ("$(CC_VER_MAJOR)", "3")
-OTHER_LDFLAGS  += -static-libgcc
+ifeq ($(CC_MAJORVER),3)
+  OTHER_LDFLAGS  += -static-libgcc

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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