One final review update. Cleanup of configure help output and make help target in root repo.


On 2012-04-03 11:59, Erik Joelsson wrote:
Fixed these comments and posted new webrevs:

(Tried making a single webrev but my forest extension isn't working that well)


On 2012-03-30 20:08, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
Corba Makefile says:  45 # Thus we force the target bytecode to 6.
But I think 6 should be 7, or better yet  "...the boot
jdk target bytecode."

Everything else looks ok to me.


On 2012-03-30 15:19, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
langtools makefile...

line 55 typo in comment "ony"

line 57 grammar in comment "list of to be created"

The Swedish examples are somewhat silly since there are no swedish properties files.

The comments on line 92--94 are inaccurate: javac is only build twice, not three times.

line 130: grammar, should be either "strip them of all content" or "strip all content from them"

line 168: not clear what "this setup" refers to.

-- Jon

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