Here is the new webrev, against latest jdk8/build. Only the jdk repo
needed to be redone:
I added a comment explaining the usage of |.
On 2012-06-04 16:15, Erik Joelsson wrote:
I have created a (hopefully temporary) hack to run javah manually for
these 5 classes. This webrev is just against the build-infra repo.
Unless anybody objects to this temporary solution, I will publish a
new full webrev against the jdk8/build forest tomorrow.
On 2012-05-23 19:05, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 23/05/2012 17:50, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
Has anyone tried creating an unused native method declaration in the
class to trigger the native header
generation? public native void GenerateNativeHeader(); ??? Is
that too ugly?
As Jon put it, for the classes in the base module, "we are delicate
bootstrapping ground" so if you add something like "private static
native void dummy()" rather than the annotation to the classes in the
base module then it could be a solution for the short term. This
means the following sources in the webrev:
Also it would be good to remove it from
src/share/classes/sun/nio/ch/ too (it got the annotation
in the first round).