On 30/10/2012 16:33, Naoto Sato wrote:

I need someone to review my changes to the following bug:


The fix is to move locale data out of rt.jar into localedata.jar which will be optional in the compact profile (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/161) The gist of the changes are in FILES_* files, but I also modified the makefiles for the new build-infra build. So I would appreciate your review in this area as well.

The proposed fix is located at:


I looked through the changes and they look fine to me, it's good to have this separation. Also good to see that you've also updated the makefiles for the new build system. If we were continuing with the old build system then I would suggested using AUTO_FILES_JAVA_DIRS as there shouldn't be a need to list every source file for every locale in the make files.

The only question I have is whether there is any performance implications for the western Europe locales. I don't know if we've got any tests that would tell us whether this is significant or not.


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