On 07/01/2013 10:03, Joel Borggrén-Franck wrote:
On 7 jan 2013, at 10:43, Alan Bateman<alan.bate...@oracle.com>  wrote:

I upgraded a Mac to 10.8.2 and Xcode 4.5.2 over the break, now I'm trying to get the 
jdk7u/jdk7u-dev, jdk8/tl and jigsaw/jigsaw forests building again. I installed XQuartz 
2.7.2 so I have X11 and jdk8/tl builds fine with the new build (except for the 
"images" target, there's an issue with sed there).

For the old build (jdk7u-dev and jigsaw) then AWT won't build because it can't 
find X11/Intrinsic.h. With XQuartz then it looks like the X11 bits are in 
/opt/X11. The include files are there so I tried to build with 
ALT_X11_PATH=/opt/X11 but that doesn't help. Is there anything else I need to 

I have

export CPATH="/usr/X11/include"

set while building tl with the old makefile. There is an Intrinsic.h in 

Thanks that works (although I run into the same issue as the new build with sed when building images).


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