
The purpose of compare.sh is to compare build output between builds to check that nothing changed that shouldn't have. It has been developed and used in the build-infra project. Several file types need extra care when comparing and various exceptions to be made. For example zip and jar files need their contents compared rather than the files. Generated class, java and properties files often contain timestamps or other build unique strings that need to be filtered. All of this is handled in compare.sh.

The problem in this case was that the UI available from compare.sh only lets you compare full build output directories. This patch adds a way to use the existing functionality for only 2 jar or zip files. I implemented it as part of converting the nashorn build to be able to verify that I produced an equivalent jar to the old ant build, but thought it would be worth pushing it in on its own.

Your suggested solution is basically what compare.sh does with a zip file, but doesn't handle all the exceptions and special cases specific to openjdk build output.


On 2013-01-22 15:49, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:

What is the purpose of this comparison. Is it time critical?

On a brief look

unzip -v>  /tmp/1
unzip -v>  /tmp/2
diff /tmp/1 /tmp/2

do exactly the same but much much faster.

Maybe I missed something.


On 2013-01-22 14:03, Erik Joelsson wrote:
Adding functionality to compare.sh to take two zip/jar files as
arguments and just compare those.



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