On Jan 28, 2013, at 1:02 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Kelly O'Hair <kelly.oh...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> I would like configure to be executable too, but openjdk has a tradition of 
>> not allowing executable files in the source repos.
> To avoid the possibility of any executable binaries being put into the 
> OpenJDK "source" repositories, we disallowed
> any files with execute permissions. I myself think this is a good policy and 
> I don't think we should change that policy.
> I have seen too many files creep into source repositories with execute 
> permissions that were actually mistakes.
> How hard would it be to teach jcheck to only accept executable files that 
> start with "#!/" ?
> Or jcheck could maintain a whitelist of permitted executable scripts.
> Not having configure be executable violates developer expectations.

You are free to propose changes to jcheck 

I still see no issue with saying run "bash ./configure", developers need to 
read the README first.
Having to run "bash ./get_source.sh" probably violates something too. I say, 
get over it.
We have a right to be a little different. ;^)


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