
I pretty much understand the problem you're trying to solve. I recall myself in 2006-2007 when I was eagerly wanting to build (then) JDK 6 with VS2005 while we officially used VS2003. It was fun. :) Later on we ended up switching to VS2010 for JDK7, however some results of my work still were useful and relevant, and they made their way to the JDK repo (some make files changes, command-line options for the compiler, minor code changes, etc.)

So if you come up with some useful fixes for our new build system and/or sources to provide better support for newer compilers/libraries - it's great!

FWIW, I did build JDK8 with VS2012 back in Oct/Nov last year. I've run a few GUI demo apps (SwingSet2 and friends) and they all worked just fine. Only some make files needed some minor updates in order to learn to use the new compilers. Overall, switching from VS2010 to VS2012 shouldn't be hard.

best regards,

On 05/23/13 16:47, David Chase wrote:
I think you need to understand the problem I'm after -- currently, our public 
instructions for third-party OpenJDK (8) builds don't work.
They don't build at all, so porting is completely out of the question.  I'm 
trying to come up with instructions that will at least build something that 
will run on the machine where it is built.

Regarding the DirectX compatibility, that sounds like something we should be 
repairing in the builds, so that we can cut our dependence on a 9-year-old 
release of the DirectX SDK.

Note also that some of these newer DirectX SDKs (certainly April 2006) will mess up your 
%PATH% by inserting elements on it that include quoted strings, and those you will need 
to remove manually.  I will do the experiment to see if the 2010 release does not do 
this, since "repair your path after installing required software" is a good 
step not to have in any build process.

On 2013-05-23, at 8:08 AM, Anthony Petrov<anthony.pet...@oracle.com>  wrote:

Binaries built with VS2012 won't run on WinXP. You need VS2012sp1 to make them 
compatible with XP.

Yes, we don't officially support JDK8 on Windows XP. However, there's a 
difference between _not supported_ and _just won't run_.

Hence, if we ever decide to switch to VS2012, we'll most likely want to use 

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