On Jul 24, 2013, at 5:12 PM, David Chase <david.r.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:

> On 2013-07-23, at 7:38 PM, Tim Bell <tim.b...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hello Leonid:
>>> Just to satisfy my curiosity: what are advantages of using clang instead of 
>>> gcc?
>> I am a mere messenger here, but I am told that clang/clang++:
>> - is command line compatible with gcc
>> - is faster
>> - produces better diagnostic messages
>> - clang on MacOS is under active development while gcc is not [citation 
>> needed]
>> To others out there - feel free to correct these points, or add more of your 
>> own.
> Clang is the default compiler for the next (Mavericks) MacOS release, or so I 
> have heard.
> Clang is already more up-to-date than (Apple-packaged) gcc on MacOS -- if you 
> want to access some of the "new" (two years old) intrinsics from C or from 
> the assembler, you need to use clang.
> Compilation of hotspot itself is faster with clang; not sure about the 
> performance of hotspot itself.

I seeā€¦ Thanks! Anything that reduces compilation time is good ) 

> David

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