On 2013-11-21 07:45, Francis ANDRE wrote:

A build system should be ideally self contained, including its documentation. This means that there should be no need to gogol for finding out additional help. There is already the problem of non proprietary additional software for building OpenJDK and centralizing all pieces in a single place seems to me a good idea.


In JDK8, we have completely rewritten the build system from scratch. One of the guiding principles was that it should be, as far as possible, self diagnostic. If a dependency is missing, it should be clearly written, and -- if possible -- with guidelines on how to fix the problem. We are not 100% there, but much closer than in the old (pre-JDK8) build system. It is also much more robust on platforms such as Windows.

If you need to build JDK7, then that will unfortunately not help you. There is not likely to be much work spend in fixing the old build system in JDK7 either, nor is it likely that the new JDK8 build system will be backported to JDK7.

If it is possible, I'd suggest that you try to build and use JDK8 instead. It will definitely provide a much smoother experience for you.


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