
On windows, the jdk8\hotspot\src\os\windows\vm\version.rc at line 57 is missing the HS_COMPANY:

        BLOCK "000004b0"
            VALUE "CompanyName",      XSTR(HS_COMPANY)       "\0"
            VALUE "FileDescription",  XSTR(HS_FILEDESC)      "\0"
            VALUE "FileVersion",      XSTR(HS_DOTVER)        "\0"
            VALUE "Full Version",     XSTR(HS_BUILD_ID)      "\0"
        VALUE "InternalName",     XSTR(HS_INTERNAL_NAME) "\0"
            VALUE "LegalCopyright",   XSTR(HS_COPYRIGHT)     "\0"
            VALUE "OriginalFilename", XSTR(HS_FNAME)         "\0"
            VALUE "ProductName",      XSTR(HS_NAME)          "\0"
            VALUE "ProductVersion",   XSTR(JDK_DOTVER)       "\0"

That is why the resource compiler is producing this warning

Z:\JDK\jdk8\hotspot\src\os\windows\vm\version.rc(57) : warning RC4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'STR'

Here the fix to avoid this warning by setting up the HS_COMPANY to the COMPANY_NAME variable in make/windows/build.make


--- a/make/windows/build.make
+++ b/make/windows/build.make
@@ -147,6 +147,8 @@

 # Following the Web Start / Plugin model here....
 # We can have update versions like "01a", but Windows requires
 # we use only integers in the file version field.  So:

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