
Thanks for the good input! Replies inline.

> - --with-toolchain-type=list shows up after quite a few configure going on 
> already, we probably want to have this done in an earlier stage.

I'd like that too. Unfortunately, given the autoconf framework, that's 
impossible, and would require us to rework a huge piece of code. It's just not 
worth it. :-(

If it looks too ugly, maybe I should rethink the whole "list" idea. Ideally, 
this information should be in the help instead. There's not just any good ways 
to get it there. But there might be a few bad, or at least ugly. :) I'll see if 
I can do something along those lines. 

> - The "available" toolchains feels to me should be available on the build 
> system, i.e., they are installed and available to use. From what is 
> implemented, it's more "valid choices" than "available".

You are correct. Perhaps an unfortunate choice of word. I'll replace with 

> - On the above note, should "list" list "available" or "valid choices"?

Listing actually available is hard and probably not necessary. It requires us 
to go through the complete check for the compilers etc. 

> - Do we want to allow convention name cc and CC and detect what it is or 
> simply ask for explicit choice as it is imeplemted now? Although I don't 
> think it's likely for a system to install, say gcc, as cc instead of create a 
> symbolic link alias for gcc, I cannot be sure.

I didn't say so in my previous mail, but one follow-up functionality I'm 
planning to implement is to set compiler using CC or CXX. In this case, we'll 
try to detect toolchain type automatically. But unless we specify CC explicitly 
like that, I believe the best way is to default to a toolchain and try to 
detect it using conventional names, e.g. bcc. 

> - I understand clang is not a goal for this patch. From experience, it's 
> almost work like gcc. Does it make sense to have gcc flags as a fallback? 
> This bring up the question before, should we have a fallback default to 
> unknown toolchain? Even if we check for supported toolchain, all such setting 
> should probably still be defensive with gcc as default. Otherwise, I can 
> configure with clang but quite a few setting would be missing.

I do not like the idea of a fallback like that. If we cannot detect the 
compiler, then things are likely to go wrong. And one core value in the 
configure thinking is that if it should fail, it should fail early, in the 
configure step, not in make. 

The one reason I can see for not enforcing us to detect compiler correctly is 
if you're adding support for a new compiler, like clang, and have not bothered 
to write the new detection code yet. In that case, you'll just have to comment 
out the check. 

> - On windows, gcc is listed as an available toolchain, I think this is good. 
> However, we still do TOOLCHAIN_SETUP_VISUAL_STUDIO_ENV if select gcc as 
> toolchain. That should not be checked for gcc?

You have a point. :) 

On the other hand, we cannot currently build with gcc on Windows. So, actually, 
I should remove the non-tested combinations of toolchain and platform. It 
looked nice adding them, and the potential for implementing them is there, but 
it looks like something should work that will not. If we implement gcc support 
for Windows, or solstudio support for linux, etc, we'll just add them back. 
(That's going to be the easy part :))


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