* Omair Majid <oma...@redhat.com> [2014-02-21 10:50]:
> * Andrew Hughes <gnu.and...@redhat.com> [2014-02-21 10:36]:
> > > I think the "j2" convention is reasonable.
> > 
> > This is where we disagree. I may have agreed if this was new, but we've been
> > using libjavalcms.so for the lifetime of 7 and I see no reason to change 
> > this.
> > 
> > Also, "j2" seems pretty meaningless.
> I had the same thoughts at first. But I asked this same question [1] and
> was informed that the 'j2' is for "java to" [2]. So this is the "java to
> lcms" bridge.

To be clear, I will be happy to change the prefix to `j` or `java` or
`jre` or anything else that there is some consensus on.


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