On 4/11/2014 3:42 PM, Xueming Shen wrote:

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/8038500/webrev

It's good to see the source of the zip provider moved to the jdk repo. You have made some public classes to package-private which is good. I wonder whether a few remaining public classes can be made package-private (e.g. ZipFileAttributes, ZipInfo etc). Is JarFileSystemProvider used anywhere? ZipFileSystemProvider is the only provider listed in the service configuration.

Do you mean to make Demo.java as a regression test?

basic.sh - I wonder if you can get rid of this shell test. Do Basic, PathOps, ZipFSTester have any relationship? I was thinking if they can be made as individual java test and constructor the input path of zipfs.jar. With zipfs.jar part of the jdk build, it will be found under ${java.home}/lib/ext/zipfs.jar. When we move to modules, this jar file won't exist. It might be better for the tests to create a JAR file (one to share by all zipfs tests) to get ready for modules.


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