
The main problem is that we now will have Gensrc-$m.gmk for the same module in multiple repos. Now, that just happened again with my patch to split GensrcProperties.gmk (jdk.dev has gensrc in both langtools and jdk), so I took the time to solve it in M2. What I mean by this is that M2 is prepared to handle it and the merge will not be that complicated anymore. I would rather have it done and dealt with early.


On 2014-10-16 14:49, Chris Hegarty wrote:

Pavel has already pushed the JNDI changes, and will follow up with the service 
configuration files later, so this issue is less pressing. If you like lets 
defer addressing the general problem of concatenating service configuration 
files until jigsaw/m2 is in the JDK 9 mainline. There is no urgency on this, 
and no point adding unnecessary merge complication ( which I think it what you 
are suggesting ).


On 15 Oct 2014, at 11:40, Erik Joelsson <erik.joels...@oracle.com> wrote:


I have managed to come up with this solution for jdk9/dev.


I added a gensrc step for each of the affected modules that simply concatenates 
the files into the gensrc output dir. The version found there will 
automatically override the one in the jdk/src. There is an extra complication 
at the top level as java.corba already had a gensrc step in the corba repo. The 
proper solution for that part will have to be done in Jigsaw M2, the merge will 
be hairy. I also had come up with a way to only include one of the files in 
resources.jar, since the jar command doesn't like duplicate entries. This is a 
bit of a hack, explicitly excluding 3 of the files, but since resource.jar is 
going away in M2 anyway, I think it's fine for now.


On 2014-10-14 15:37, Erik Joelsson wrote:
Hello Pavel,

This will be a bit tricky. Give me a day or two and I will try to come up with 


On 2014-10-14 15:27, Pavel Rappo wrote:

I can't build jdk9/dev repo after I introduced 4 
'META-INF/service/javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory' files to support JNDI 
providers loading as a service [1]. My guess is that 
'META-INF/service/javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory' files from different 
modules are being copied into the same jar. What I really need to have is a 
single concatenated 'META-INF/service/javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory' 
file with 4 lines. It will work fine for now.

Could you please help me to resolve this? Thanks.

[1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prappo/8044627/webrev.01/


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