Here is my proposal for fixing the particular issue of generating the correct properties files. I'm simply adding LC_ALL=C to the whole command line instead of just the sort at the end. It seems to require using "export" to get picked up.

diff --git a/make/common/JavaCompilation.gmk b/make/common/JavaCompilation.gmk
--- a/make/common/JavaCompilation.gmk
+++ b/make/common/JavaCompilation.gmk
@@ -400,13 +400,15 @@
   # Now we can setup the depency that will trigger the copying.
   $$($1_BIN)$$($2_TARGET) : $2
     $(MKDIR) -p $$(@D)
- $(CAT) $$< | $(SED) -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\\:/g' -e 's/\([^\\]\)=/\1\\=/g' \
+    export LC_ALL=C ; $(CAT) $$< \
+        | $(SED) -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\\:/g' -e 's/\([^\\]\)=/\1\\=/g' \
             -e 's/\([^\\]\)!/\1\\!/g' -e 's/#.*/#/g' \
         | $(SED) -f "$(SRC_ROOT)/make/common/support/unicode2x.sed" \
         | $(SED) -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$$$$/d' \
             -e :a -e '/\\$$$$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' \
             -e 's/^[     ]*//;s/[     ]*$$$$//' \
-            -e 's/\\=/=/' | LC_ALL=C $(SORT) > $$@
+            -e 's/\\=/=/' \
+        | $(SORT) > $$@
     $(CHMOD) -f ug+w $$@

   # And do not forget this target

I filed a separate issue [1] for investigating the use of pipefail.



On 2014-11-20 10:34, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
On 11/20/14 10:26 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:

On 2014-11-20 02:20, Martin Buchholz wrote:
Amusingly, the $(SORT) has an LC_ALL=C carefully placed before it, but
the $(SED)s need it too!
Yes, I think that's the correct fix in this case.
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 5:18 PM, Martin Buchholz <> wrote:
[+ build-dev]

I think I see the problem.  By default, a Unix pipeline sadly fails
only when the last command fails.  In bash, you can change this to a
more sensible default via
set -o pipefail
but that's not portable enough for openjdk.
This is interesting and something I had missed. I will experiment with enabling pipefail if configure finds support for it. This will include setting the SHELL to bash. We really should fail instead of silently generating broken builds.

Daniel, I can take over this bug if you want and work on a proper build fix.

Thanks Erik! You are welcome!
So the whole issue seems to be that my default setting is LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
whereas sed requires LC_ALL=C to work properly on these property files...

When the test first failed I tried to rerun the test with LC_ALL=C - with no success
of course. But I never thought of rebuilding with LC_ALL=C :-(

My apologies for the red herring :-(

best regards

-- daniel

$(CAT) $$< | $(SED) -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\\:/g' -e 's/\([^\\]\)=/\1\\=/g' \
        -e 's/\([^\\]\)!/\1\\!/g' -e 's/#.*/#/g' \
    | $(SED) -f "$(SRC_ROOT)/make/common/support/unicode2x.sed" \
    | $(SED) -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$$$$/d' \
        -e :a -e '/\\$$$$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' \
        -e 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$$$$//' \
        -e 's/\\=/=/' | LC_ALL=C $(SORT) > $$@

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 5:07 PM, huizhe wang <> wrote:
On 11/19/2014 4:09 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:

On 11/19/2014 3:49 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:

On 11/19/2014 12:50 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
On 11/19/14 9:36 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
resources.jar will be gone when we move to the modular runtime image
(JEP 220 [1]).
JDK-8065138 and JDK-8065365 will become non-issue in JDK 9.
Do you mean that the property files will no longer be stripped of their

(sorry for my delay in reply as I was trying to get the number of the resources in the modular image vs resources.jar but got distracted.)

The current version copies all bytes when generating the modular image. This is a good question whether we should strip off the comments when writing to the modular runtime image. I think we should look at the footprint and any performance saving and determine if we should do the same
in JDK 9.

I looked at the exploded image under BUILD_OUTPUTDIR/jdk/modules/java.xml and found that the comments of are stripped. I was confused with the mention of resources.jar that I assume it was a step stripping the comments before writing to resources.jar. This is still
an issue in jigsaw m2 I believe.

Where does the build strip the comments?

A previous issue was that the build process strips off anything after '#'
when copying properties files. In JDK8:
$(JAXP_OUTPUTDIR)/classes/ $(JAXP_TOPDIR)/src/
         $(MKDIR) -p $(@D)
         $(RM) $@ $@.tmp
$(CAT) $< | LANG=C $(NAWK) '{ sub(/#.*$$/,"#"); print }' > $@.tmp
         $(MV) $@.tmp $@

This was fixed in JDK 9. The per-repo process was removed. It looks like
the properties processing process is now consolidated into
make/common/JavaCompilation.gmk. So the issue Daniel found is new (in terms
of stripping). Search 'properties files' to see the macro.



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