On 20/11/2014 8:21 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
I think it's Import.gmk that isn't working well with non zipped debug
symbols on mac. The .dSYM file is actually a directory and the logic in
Import.gmk probably hasn't been exercised with that much.

Certainly some issues with Import.gmk eg it doesn't account for the Info.plist files. I'll fix that as part of what I am working on in 8u.

But not sure if that relates to the unlink issue.



On 2014-11-20 11:00, David Holmes wrote:
Building 8u on OSX with --disable-zip-debug-info I see in the log:

make[2]: unlink:
Operation not permitted

Can anyone shed any light on this? I'm not clear on what is being
attempted nor the affects on the build.


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