On 04/03/2015 15:03, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
I believe all warnings are important to check! Unfortunately, this has not been done for a lot of warnings for a lot of time. :(
Right, although in the past we had some areas close to be cleared of warnings, it's just that we didn't keep up the effort and of course the compilers get more pedantic with each version.

With this framework, it is simple to enable a single warning, recompile and see the effect. Hopefully this lowers the threshold far enough so that all warnings are given proper attention. The incremental build functionality will come in very handy. Just by simply removing a warning from the DISABLED_WARNINGS_<toolchain> on a library and running "make" again, only the files affected will be recompiled.
Yes, it looks easy to maintain.

I can easily paste in what warning categories are disabled for a specific library, yes.

However, if you are asking me to build each library, individually, with warnings re-enabled, and pasting the output, I'd rather not. That would be a lot of work, to detangle the output of each individual library.
I'm not asking that, it would be too much work. Maybe it's worth saving the logs somewhere so that you can point the bugs at it. It would also be useful for the bugs to point to your change sets (when they are pushed) so that it's obvious which make files were changed to silence the warnings.


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