Hello Jan,

On the build changes there are some things I would like to change.

* The creation of the ct.sym file should be done in a separate file, with a separate top level target. The images target should just be about linking and pulling things together, not actual building/compiling of things.
* The calls to MakeDir are not needed.
* There are missing prerequisites in the rule for creating the symbols.
* The jar file creation should use the SetupArchive macro.
* Intermediate build files should be put into the $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR).
* I think it makes sense to have the ct.sym file be part of the exploded-image.

Since this was quite a lot of changes, I took the liberty of implementing them. Here is a webrev with my suggestion for build changes:



On 2015-05-21 09:01, Jan Lahoda wrote:

This is a patch adding a new option, -platform, to javac.

Patch for the top-level repository is here:

Patch for the langtools repository is here:

These changes also require additional langtools changes as their prerequisite:

Overall, one can imagine '-platform N' to have the same effect as '-source N -target N -bootclasspath <APIs-for-N>'. The possible values for 'N' are pluggable in a limited way, though (see langtools/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/platform/PlatformProvider.java). Note that this patch only introduces N=7 and N=8, which correspond to Open JDK 7 and 8 GA.

A tricky problem to solve is where to get the APIs for platform N. The proposal is to include history data in the textual format inside the OpenJDK repositories (the input data), process them at build time and create a lib/ct.sym file holding the data in the JDK image. javac running with the -platform option then compiles against the lib/ct.sym file. The input history data are placed <top-level-repository>/make/data/symbols (the sym.txt files). This patches only includes data for OpenJDK 7 and 8, and only for public APIs (more or less Java SE and JDK @Exported APIs).

The size of the history data is currently ~6MB in the JDK checkout and ~650kB inside the .hg directory (the size could change significantly if additional classes/elements, like non-public API classes, would need to be included). The lib/ct.sym file is currently ~4.5MB.

The ct.sym file is a zip file containing signature files. The signature files are similar to classfiles (so javac can read them as classfiles), but are missing some attributes, most notably the Code attribute. On the top-level, the ct.sym contains directories named "7", "78" and "8". When compiling for version 'N', the bootclasspath for that version is obtained by using directories which have 'N' in their name.

The sigfiles for ct.sym are created by <top-level-repository>/make/tools/symbolgenerator/CreateSymbols.java. The same file can also be used to construct the sym.txt files. Concise instructions are part of the CreateSymbols.java.

I am sending this as one review, as the changes together make one feature, but the langtools and top-level changes are independent to a great degree: the langtools changes add the "-platform" javac; and the top-level changes add the history data and ability to build the ct.sym file. If desired, these could be pushed and/or reviewed independently.

Many thanks go to Jon Gibbons, Joe Darcy, Magnus Ihse Bursie, Alan Bateman and others who have provided advices and help on the matter before.

Any insights/comments are wholeheartedly welcome.


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