On 4/06/2015 12:33 PM, Pete Brunet wrote:

On 6/3/15 8:43 PM, Pete Brunet wrote:
Cross posting to build-dev for possible insight regarding Jon's last
paragraph below.

On 6/3/15 8:13 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
On 06/03/2015 04:27 PM, Pete Brunet wrote:
Hi, As part of my test I need to build a simple DLL and then load it
from my test class.  Can jtreg build the DLL or will I need to create it
and include it in my test directory?  -Pete
jtreg cannot directly compile native code.  In theory, you could do it
in a shell script, but that immediately becomes a rats nest of "which
platform, and where do I find the compilers?"
Is there a way to only run the test if running on Win?  The DLL will be

@requires os.family == windows

Or something like that.


used as part of a test of a platform independent feature.  Would only
running on Win be acceptable?  Is "where to I find the compilers" still
an issue in a Win only case?

If you are talking about native code and tests in OpenJDK
repositories, then it is not acceptable to stash binaries in OpenJDK
repositories.  But, there is an infrastructure in place for an OpenJDK
build to build native libraries to be made available to test code.
Perhaps someone else on this list can explain how that works.

-- Jon

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