In JDK-8160285 I tried to fix the bootcycle build on 32bit windows when only the server jvm is being built. It appears I only verified the fix on a release build. In my JPRT job I forgot to enable only the server jvm so it ran with client.

We are now faced with more similar failures in the fastdebug build. The javac server process is set to use mx1500M and fails all the time in that configuration. The JAVA_FLAGS_BIG config fails intermittently with not being able to allocate enough memory.

My suggested fix is to further reduce the maximum amount of heap from 1100 to 1024 to avoid the intermittent failures and to replace the override of the "javac server jvm args" with the same set of args as have already been calculated for "java big". I have run this configuration through JPRT with client disabled. I have also run several builds locally without failure.



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