> 在 2016年7月27日,17:15,Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com> 写道:
> So have you decided one way or the other to have keytool support updating 
> caceerts without needing to specify the file path? That would be consistent 
> with leaving it in lib. If there are existing scripts that are specifying the 
> location then they will continue to work.

I suggest we create a new special -keystore value "<<CACERTS>>" which acts like 
an alias of the cacerts file. Creating a new option means we have to document 
its relation with the existing -keystore option. The new name can also work 
with the -importkeystore command. 

Like this:

keytool -list -keystore <<CACERTS>>

The name is inspired by <<ALL FILES>> in FilePermission. I'm open to other 


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