On 02/09/2016 06:44, Waldek Kozaczuk wrote:

During my research about OpenJDK 8 compact profiles I found out it is
almost close to impossible to find pre-built images of those profiles for
x86_64 platform.

By analyzing the openJDK build process I came to the conclusion that it
should be possible to create simple shell script based tool that can
produce compact profile 1, 2 or 3 based of a regular JDK image.

I am not sure if this is a right forum but I would like to share it in case
some people might be interested in it. Here is the link to my project on
github - https://github.com/wkozaczuk/openjdk8_compact_profiles_builder.

I haven't looked at your project but just to make you aware that JDK 9 has a linker tool called "jlink" that assembles (and optionally trasforms/optimizes) a set of modules to create a custom run-time image. There are aggregator modules defined for each of the Compact Profiles so it's possible to create a run-time image that is equivalent to the Compact Profiles defined by Java SE 8. More details in JEP 282 [1].


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/282

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