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Launcher ergonomics was introduced last decade to help determine
if the execution system is "Server Class", this was necessary to
choose server VM on platforms that supported both client and server
VMs (primarily for Solaris and Linux 32-bit).

The algorithm involves computing and detecting the number of CPUs
and the amount of memory on the target system. All modern computers
systems with hyper-threading cause the ergonomics to choose server.

JDK9 Platforms that have only server vm.


JDK9 Platforms that have more than one vm variant:
./linux-arm32-vfp-hflt/lib/arm/client/libjvm.so (default)

./linux-x86/lib/i386/server/libjvm.so (default)

In the cases where multiple VMs are supported the ergnomics
has no effect, and the default platforms are chosen by the
jvm.cfg. Thus the launcher ergonomics is obsolete and redundant.


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