
Your attached png files are automatically filtered by the mailing list server so I can't see them. You will need to host them somewhere and link if we are to see them.

AFAIK, we can't build OpenJDK on Linux without freetype so the claim that freetype is not used seems weird. I know for sure that it's used at build time at least. For questions on how the graphics works, I think 2d-dev is the correct mailing list. I think that's where you need to continue your investigation.


On 2016-12-15 13:10, Artur Rataj wrote:

The default OpenJDK in Ubuntu does not seem to use Freetype (see the
attached a.png, b.png). Yet I know that it is possible that OpenJDK uses
freetype because Android Studio is distributed with one (see c.png).

I want Freetype, and thus I attempted to compile the newest stable OpenJDK
from source.

bash ./configure --with-freetype=../freetype --with-cups=/usr/include/cups
--with-x=/usr/include/X11/extensions --with-jvm-variants=server
--with-target-bits=64 --with-debug-level=release`

checking if we can compile and link with freetype... yes
checking if we should bundle freetype... yes

A simple test of running Netbeans with the resulting JDK shows, that
freetype is still not used, though. The same Netbeans ran using the Android
Studio-provided JDK does use Freetype (again, c.png).

I would thus like to ask you how to build OpenJDK so that it actually uses
Freetype by default?

Best regards,

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