When I added support for copying files with spaces in their names, I missed a case. On Mac (the only platform where we currently, in the Oracle build, have a directory with space in it), when rebuilding images after actually touching the source, the build fails with:

cp: /Users/danielfuchs/workspaces/jdk/jdk10/build/macosx-x64/images/jdk/lib/missioncontrol/Java Mission Control.app/Contents/Eclipse/jmc.ini: No such file or directory

This is caused by the $(call MakeDir, $(@D)) line in the install-file macro not actually creating the parent directory before trying to copy the file. This in turn was caused by two things:

First, if a target file that contains spaces, that is defined using the ? wildcard trick, exists when the makefile is parsed, make will resolve those wildcards to spaces, so the target file variable ($@) will have spaces in it instead of ?. This has the consequence that $(@D), which is just a shortcut for $(dir $@) will actually apply the dir call on each space separated entity in $@. So the first fix was to make sure the input to $(dir ) is actually SpaceEncoded.

Second, the wildcard function seem to be doing some kind of clever caching of results and this caching breaks down when there are spaces in filenames. Because of this, if the argument of $(wildcard ) existed when the makefile was parsed, but was then deleted as part of a prerequisite rule, $(wildcard ) will still return the file as existing when called from a subsequent recipe line. This only happens if the file argument to wildcard contains spaces, so my best guess is that some string matching is happening in some caching table and fails (but I haven't actually checked the gnu make source). My fix for this is to change the MakeDir macro so that it always runs mkdir if the target dir contains ?.

I also have modified the copy-files tests to reproduce this situation and verified that the fix solves it there as well.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8190702

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8190702/webrev.01/


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