This looks good, hopefully for the last time. :)

Thanks for hanging in there!


On 2018-04-05 02:16, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
On 2018-04-04 17:25, Erik Joelsson wrote:

On 2018-04-04 00:42, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
On 2018-04-03 23:16, Erik Joelsson wrote:
Looks good to me at least. Exporting symbols from executables seems wrong so applying hidden as default seems good to me.
Unfortunately, it was not this easy. :-(

Out of paranoia, I also started a test run on Windows, even though it should not have been affected. Well, "should not". The added JNIEXPORT turns into a __declspec(dllexport) on Windows, which causes the Microsoft linker to behave like when linking a dll, so it creates a .lib and .exp for each binary, in the bin directory.


I see two ways out of this.

1) Make the JNIEXPORT conditional on OS. Either by #ifdef before the main function, or by declaring something like EXEC_EXPORT instead, and let it be empty on Windows.

2) Let the part of SetupNativeCompilation that handles executables behave more like the one for shared libraries, and setting -implib, etc. I'm not sure what happens if you pass in -implib when linking an executable which does *not* have any dllexport decorations. If it breaks, then this does not really seem like a way forward. Otherwise, it's probably the safest choice, since it will make sure we never leak any *.lib or *.exp for a potential future executable.

What do you think?

I really don't know which I would prefer. Would be good to find out what happens in 2.

Turns out that -implib is just ignored if not needed, so 2 is clearly the way to go.

This also meant that there was much overlap between the linking of shared libraries and executables in SetupNativeCompilation, so I (finally) took the time to unify them.

Updated webrev:
(Only changes NativeCompilation.gmk)



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