On 26/01/2019 00:06, Mandy Chung wrote:
Hi Severin,

Another alternative would be to support per-jlink-plugin resource
bundle to avoid merging .properties files at build time.  The
plugin-specific messages should only be used by the plugin itself
and it would be cleaner for each plugin to manage its resource bundle.
That seems a cleaner idea than the suggestion we had on jigsaw-dev to merge the properties. If Severin does this for this plugin then I assume the resources for the other plugins could be moved to their own resource files in their own time.

I skimmed the current patch and I see the usability has improved since the original proposal. It would be nice to get to `--strip-native-debug-symbols` without needing the "=defaults" suffix.  There are details around the sub-options and naming that I assume will need detailed review at some point too.

The current patch doesn't include any tests but I assume they will come in time.

There's probably a cleanup in StripNativeDebugSymbolsPlugin.java needed too to make it easier to maintain and review going forward but that is not important now, I think the main thing is to get past the issue of being the first plugin that is platform specific.


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