Hello Igor,

This looks pretty good. Just a few comments.

In jib-profiles.js, the linux-x64 profile also builds docs-bundles, so if you base linux-x64-gcov on a clone of that there is some extra build work being done unnecessarily. I would recommend explicitly setting the default_make_targets (which would be product-bundles and test-bundles) for the new *-gcov profiles.

On lines 795, 804 and 812 you seem to have left commented out code that should probably be removed.


On 2019-02-19 17:26, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
65 lines changed: 59 ins; 0 del; 6 mod;
Hi all,

could you please review the patch which makes it easy to run tests on the 
builds w/ native-code-coverage enabled? to do so the patch
  - sets GCOV_PREFIX env. variable, so .gcda files will be stored in 
build/*/test-results/gcov-output directory, and makes jtreg to propagate this 
env. variable to JDK under test
  - adds linux-x64-gcov and macosx-x64-gcov jib profiles
  - changes 'run-test-prebuilt' profile to set GCOV_ENABLED=true if it's the 
tested profile is -gcov profile

and also fixes comment for JDKOPT_SETUP_CODE_COVERAGE in jdk-options.m4.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iignatyev//8219395/webrev.00/index.html
JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8219395
  - :tier1 on {linux,macos}-x64 and {linux,macos}-x64-gcov
  - checked that *-gcov builds have .gcno files generated and stored in symbols 
bundle; and regular builds don't
  - checked that *-gcov runs have .gcda files generated in 
test-results/gcov-output; and runs on regular builds don't

-- Igor

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