On Tue, 12 Oct 2021 11:24:01 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> There are multiple bugs related to hsdis, calling both for added simplicity 
> in building, and allowing for multiple backends.
> The very first step is getting rid of the stand-alone Makefile and integrate 
> the build using standard build-infra tooling. 
> This patch does this, and it also contains OOTB building on Windows (as 
> requested in JDK-8208495, and furthermore it lays the foundation for adding 
> more backends to hsdis.

Nice to see this fixed!

make/Hsdis.gmk line 70:

> 69:   HSDIS_TOOLCHAIN_LDFLAGS := -L/usr/lib/gcc/$(MINGW_BASE)/9.2.0  
> -L/usr/$(MINGW_BASE)/sys-root/mingw/lib
> 70:   HSDIS_TOOLCHAIN_LIBS := /usr/$(MINGW_BASE)/sys-root/mingw/lib/dllcrt2.o 
> -lmingw32 -lgcc -lgcc_eh -lmoldname -lmingwex -lmsvcrt -lpthread -ladvapi32 
> -lshell32 -luser32 -lkernel32

Maybe break up this line a bit?

make/autoconf/jdk-options.m4 line 803:

> 801:   if test "x$with_hsdis" = xyes; then
> 802:     AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-hsdis must have a value])
> 803:   elif test "x$with_hsdis" = xnone || test "x$with_hsdis" = x; then

Should we accept "no" as value too so we can use --without-hsdis?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5908

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