On Thu, 1 Sep 2022 13:25:19 GMT, Erik Joelsson <er...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Is there some recommendation on how to generate what is needed? Which is:
>> "-XDmodifiedFiles=<list-of-files> "
>> I was looking at the `WriteFile` rule, and it is not clear to be what is the 
>> problem there, but I'm not very knowledgeable of the build system.
>> I was trying to use `ListPathsSafely`, but wasn't able to find a way that 
>> would be working.
>> Thanks!
> Before make 4.0, there was no `$(file ...)` function in make. That meant that 
> if you needed to write something to a file directly from the makefile, you 
> had to do something like `$(shell echo "foo" > /my/file)`. This works ok as 
> long as the amount of text you need to write is small enough, but when 
> writing long lists of filenames, you will eventually hit OS limits on command 
> line length (which are different on different OSes, most notably much shorter 
> on Windows). Our solution to this was ListPathsSafely, which breaks up long 
> lists of path names into manageable chunks (and also compresses parts of the 
> path using sed).
> In make 4.0, the $(file) function was introduced, which makes this so much 
> easier. Since it was also more performant, I implemented a 4.0 version of 
> ListPathsSafely. However, we haven't changed the build to require make >4.0, 
> so we have to keep both implementations around.
> The WriteFile macro was only intended writing smaller files, so doesn't have 
> any of the command splitting functionality of ListPathsSafely. 
> So to answer your question, no there isn't a good way to achieve what you are 
> asking for today, not without modifying or extending the macros. One could 
> imagine adding a flag to ListPathsSafely that made it use space instead of 
> newline as separator. Another solution could be to have Depend.java accept 
> something like 
> "-XDmodifiedFilesFile=/path/to/file"
> where the file is a list as ListPathsSafely would create it.
> We could also consider requiring make 4.0, but that will need some 
> socializing first.

I can change `Depend` for this, that is easy, but it is not clear how to write 
the file. I've tried the naive `$$(eval $$(call ListPathsSafely, $$?, 
$$($1_MODFILES)))` at the end of `$$($1_FILELIST):` but that does not seem to 
write the modified files into the file - it produces an empty file. Is there a 
way for me to write the modified files into the file? Thanks.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10104

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