On Mon, 5 Sep 2022 19:00:56 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> I think you really mean `$$($1_SRCS)` here, since the vardeps file is a 
>>> build internal file that javac do not and should not care about. While I'm 
>>> sure it will ignore it, the code here will be clearer if we don't pass it 
>>> around when we shouldn't.
>> Hm, but `$$($1_SRCS)` contains all the source files of the given module, 
>> modified and unmodified, correct? The point of this patch is that we send 
>> the list of modified files to the `Depend` plugin (all sources are still 
>> passed to the javac invocation), and the plugin decides whether or not all 
>> files should be compiled, or only the modified files should be compiled.
>> The plugin could theoretically do the timestamp check from the sources, but 
>> it is more difficult to do, and the make has (presumably) already done that 
>> in a predictable way.
>> The `Depend` plugin will do a full build if a non-Java file is present in 
>> the list, which I hope should lead to a more reliable recompilation for some 
>> complex changes among the sources.
>> Note that the modfiles are not sent to javac as such - all sources are still 
>> sent to javac. The modfiles are sent to the `Depend` plugin using a side 
>> channel.
> Right, I confused `$?` and `$+`. You are of course correct, this is the way 
> to get the changed targets. I had a bit of bad luck when I though about this. 
> 😄  (Theoretically, we could filter out anything that is not in `$1_SRCS` from 
> `$?` but that seems to more work than is reasonable.)

> The `Depend` plugin will do a full build if a non-Java file is present in the 
> list, which I hope should lead to a more reliable recompilation for some 
> complex changes among the sources.

Ah, I had missed that and that's clever! That also means there is a reason to 
generate MODFILES in the actual compile recipe instead of the separate rule as 
I suggested earlier. For this to be "safe" we need `$$?` to really contain all 
the updated prereqs, otherwise we may miss compiling everything when something 
external actually should make us do just that.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10104

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