On Wed, 12 Oct 2022 14:28:02 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> If is is a big change or not depends on how it affects builds on macos. I 
> assume that clang functionality that was published in 2017 is already 
> incorporated in the minimum supported version of Xcode on mac. (This needs to 
> be verified, though)
> For clang on linux; Oracle do not regularly build linux with clang, nor do 
> our GHA build scripts. I don't know if anyone regularly tests this.
> My guess is that the 3.5 limit was put in place when the clang for linux 
> support was added, and it has not been modified since.

Okay, I see, thanks for the summary!

> But you are probably right that it should be a separate PR, if not for 
> anything else so to get proper attention to it.

Yes, it's probably better to get more attention for this update.

> Do you want me to publish such a PR first, or do you want to continue with 
> the current conditionals, and clean them up afterwards if/when we go to clang 
> 5.0+?

I think both is fine. But since I already have the patch ready, I suggest to 
move forward with it and then come back later to clean it up.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10287

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