On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 18:06:09 GMT, Erik Joelsson <er...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> After JDK-8294281, it is now possible to disable warnings for individual 
>> files instead for whole libraries. I used this opportunity to go through all 
>> disabled warnings in the accessibility native code.
>> Any warnings that were only triggered in a few files were removed from the 
>> library as a whole, and changed to be only disabled for those files.
> make/modules/jdk.accessibility/Launcher.gmk line 46:
>> 44:           -analyze- -Od -Gd -D_WINDOWS \
>> 45:           -D_UNICODE -DUNICODE -RTC1 -EHsc, \
>> 46:       DISABLED_WARNINGS_microsoft_jabswitch.cpp := 4267 4996, \
> This lib only has one cpp file, so this change doesn't seem that useful.

Heh, I did not notice that.

I'd still argue that this is a useful change. If some other file were ever to 
be added, it will not be covered by the blanked disabled warnings, and -- 
perhaps more important -- it is clear that these warnings can be addressed just 
by looking at a single file. This information has drastically increased the 
likelihood that a developer picks up the issue and actually resolves the 
warnings, as we have seen in other areas where I've done this 
"warnings-per-file" transition.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10788

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