On Tue, 22 Nov 2022 20:50:04 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> In JDK-8297041, the javacserver was moved out of the JDK itself, and lifted 
> out as a separate buildtool. Due to this, internal classes in jdk.compiler 
> were no longer available. Therefore, the closest way to calling javac as 
> before were to use `com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile()`. This method is 
> however deprecated for removal, and relying on that was only needed as a 
> temporary measure during the transition.
> After the major refactoring of the javacserver tool in JDK-8297444, it will 
> be easy to replace the Main.compile API with the official ToolProvider API 
> instead.

Well, I assume so. If this does not work properly, the problem will most likely 
be already in JDK-8297444; this patch is just choosing a different path to end 
up in the same class, as far as I can understand.

The thing that makes (or should make) us chose the interim javac is the 
`$(INTERIM_LANGTOOLS_ARGS)` which is passed to java when launching the server. 
(This is since these flags are passed in the config file to the client as 

I'll add some test output code to the interim compiler to verify that it is 
actually executed, both in JDK-8297444 and in this PR.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11299

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