On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 03:11:32 GMT, Justin King <jck...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > The bot can only check the required number of Reviewers (strictly 1 per 
> > OpenJDK rules but changeable as here via `/reviewers` command) but it 
> > doesn't know about the informal rules such as having reviewers from each 
> > affected area (there is no mapping from people to areas).
> > Regardless until your conversation with @tstuefe was complete this was not 
> > ready for integration.

Yep, that was a bit quick. But misunderstandings happen.

> From my point of view it was more questions to clarify how it worked at this 
> point to get to an understanding, rather than specific objections, since the 
> flags were no longer there.

Hi Justin,

No, the discussion was still ongoing.

The informal rule is that ongoing discussions should be closed and that nobody 
strongly objects to a change. Two reviewers are easy to come by. The point of 
this rule is that you have a reasonable chance to block changes you strongly 
oppose. And that every change in the code base has the buy-in from the 

Note that a patch is seldom blocked by one person alone for a prolonged amount 
of time. But sometimes, overworked reviewers may block-then-ghost without 
meaning to. Requires patience from authors and responsibility from reviewers. 
As an author, it is okay to ping after a while and, getting no answer, to 
integrate with a clear warning. 

This all requires more time than faster paced projects, which is accepted for 
most RFEs. Requires more discussion and convincing, but gives us a better 
community. Still faster than getting in kernel patches :)

> Requiring contributors to adhere to informal rules such as who can and cannot 
> approve, and who you should and do not have to wait for, is not ideal. It 
> relies heavily in determining who is part of what group and what group they 
> are reviewing for. 

The rule is simply to resolve all discussions and opposition.

In fact, even if you are an unknown, come from the outside, and oppose a patch 
with good reasons, people will usually listen. If the points made were good, 
the author has to address those concerns (or, should).

> Wouldn't it make more sense to tie approval to labels and have reviewers 
> explicitly approve via a command? Or allow reviewers to explicitly require 
> their approval via a command? That way there is no guessing? It would at 
> least make it explicit and avoid miscommunication. The reviewers themselves 
> are in the best position to know and bump required reviewers, not 
> contributors.

Our rules come from pre-Github times, where discussions happened on MLs. We may 
adapt over time. But you cannot codify all interactions into software-enforced 
rules, there is always a human element.

(I will continue the technical discussion separately)

Cheers, Thomas

> Just my two cents.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12229

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