On Fri, 3 Mar 2023 09:38:13 GMT, Pavel Rappo <pra...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/BootstrapMethodInvoker.java 
>> line 257:
>>> 255: 
>>> 256:     /**
>>> 257:      * @return true iff the BSM method type exactly matches
>> I assume “iff” should “if”?
> Here and elsewhere in this file "iff" might mean [if and only 
> if](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_and_only_if), which would make sense. 
> (FWIW, there are a few hundred occurrences of the word "iff" in src.)
> @cl4es (Claes Redestad), as the author of those lines would you like to chime 
> in?
> Since Claes might read this, I note that when I changed unsupported `{@see}` 
> to `{@link}` thoughtout this file, my IDE could not resolve one of the links: 
> `java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory#metafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup,String,Class,MethodType,MethodHandle,MethodType)`
> While there's a similarly-name method with slightly different parameters, I 
> refrained from using it:
> `java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory#metafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup,String,MethodType,MethodType,MethodHandle,MethodType)`.

Yes, iff means if-and-only-if and is used for extra precision in formal logic, 
mathematics. As @pavelrappo points out it's a relatively common occurrence in 
the OpenJDK sources, though perhaps not in the public javadocs. Perhaps a bit 
pretentious, but mostly a terse way to say "return true if the BSM method type 
exactly matches X, otherwise false".

The broken link stems from the fact that the method I was targeting (a way to 
use condy for lambda proxy singletons rather than a `MethodHandle.constant`) 
was never integrated. We'll look at either getting that done (@briangoetz 
suggested the time might be ready for it) or remove this currently pointless 
static bootstrap specialization test.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12826

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