On Mon, 29 May 2023 13:21:27 GMT, Erik Duveblad <ehe...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> please review this smaller patch to the build system. This patch changes what 
> the build system will do when there are multiple configurations available and 
> none has been selected (neither via `CONF` nor via `SPEC`). Instead of 
> printing an error message (current behavior) the build system will instead 
> check if the name of any configuration exactly matches the name of the 
> checked out Git branch. If so, then that configuration will be built.
> The rationale for this change is that many developers (including me) use 
> branches to work on multiple things concurrently. Having (at least) one 
> configuration per branch, named after the branch, is a very natural model 
> then for setting up one's build configurations. Having the build 
> configuration corresponding to the checked out Git branch built automatically 
> is then very convenient (instead of typing `make CONF=$(git branch 
> --show-current)` every time).
> A couple of design considerations:
> - why use `$$(shell command -v git 2>/dev/null)` instead of `$$(GIT)` from 
> autoconf? Because we don't have a `spec.gmk` available because we haven't 
> chosen a configuration yet, so we don't have `$$(GIT)`.
> - why use `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` instead of `git branch 
> --show-current`? Because `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref` has been around since 
> [2009](https://github.com/git/git/commit/a45d34691ea624e93863e95706eeb1b1909304f3)
>  and `git branch --show-current` was introduced in Git 2.22 in 2019 (plus 
> that `rev-parse --abbrev-ref` works with a detached `HEAD`). `git rev-parse 
> --is-inside-work-tree` is from 
> [2007](https://github.com/git/git/commit/892c41b98ae2e6baf3aa13901cb10db9ac67d2f3),
>  but I think requiring a Git installation more recent than 2009 should be ok.
> - why match the branch name exactly instead of a looser matching? This could 
> be beneficial if branches are named e.g. `$(git branch 
> --show-current)-fastdebug`, but I wanted to start out with something strict 
> and then the matching can be made looser if needed.
> - is this backwards compatible? Yes, at least I think so. Previously the 
> build system would return an error but now it might build a configuration, 
> that seems compatible. The patch does not interfere at all with the code 
> paths where `CONF` or `SPEC` has been set.
> ### Testing
> - [x] Tested locally on macOS/aarch64 and Linux/x64 with and without 
> configurations matching the named Git branch.
> - [x] Tested locally on macOS/aarch64 and Linux/x64 without a Git client.
> - [x] Tested locally on macOS/aarch64 and Linux/x64 wi...

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14202

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