On Fri, 24 Nov 2023 09:51:07 GMT, Daniel Jeliński <djelin...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> test/failure_handler/src/share/conf/windows.properties line 60:
>>> 58: 
>>> 59: native.core.app=cdb
>>> 60: native.core.args=-c ".dump /ma core.%p;qd" -p %p
>> Just to double check that this is the right option. `/ma` terminates if 
>> there is "inaccessable memory" where `/mA` seems to be continue.  The `/f` 
>> option says all "accessible" memory which I assume it means skips/ignored 
>> inaccessible, is that right?
> `/ma` was the option suggested by `.dump`; looking at the documentation, 
> `/mA` indeed seems to be a better choice. I'll update.
> `/f` used to create a [full user-mode 
> dump](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/user-mode-dump-files#full-user-mode-dumps).
>  I couldn't find any information about the behavior on inaccessible memory.
> None of the options specify dumping inaccessible memory; I assume the 
> failures only happen if some memory becomes inaccessible while producing the 
> dump.

Oh, I overlooked this. I think that is right, the old /f minidump generation 
worked around inaccessible memory. They were just "holes".


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16806#discussion_r1404160596

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