On Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:50:30 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> What's the issue with this? Full name on my profile "Galder Zamarreño".

I've dug into this a bit and here is what I've found. The letter 
 seems to have been encoded in two different ways in the GitHub user object and 
in the commit. Internally in the Skara bot, we get the GitHub user full name 
field returned as an 8 bit String where the characters is encoded as 0xF1. In 
the commit data from GitHub, the author field is encoded as a 16 bit String 
where the character is encoded as the composite of 006E and 0303. When we do a 
String.equals on these strings, it returns false. I can't say if that is 
correct but that is what's happening. If the 16 bit string was 00F1 it would 
have been fine.

Since you have an OpenJDK user, I would recommend that you [associate your 
GitHub account with your OpenJDK 
 This will avoid this check in the future.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16788#issuecomment-1828508297

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