Yes indeed, I am trying to use those changes from the jdk.compiler module. How 
can I make this work without causing problem when building the interim module ?


> On 26 Feb 2024, at 14:59, wrote:
> Hello Lorris,
> This is not expected behavior. Building incrementally is expected to work 
> correctly.
> If you are making changes to java.base and then trying to use those changes 
> from any of java.compiler, jdk.compiler and jdk.javadoc, you will have 
> problems as those three modules have to be compatible with the previous JDK 
> version (21 in this case). We build those modules for the "interim langtools" 
> which is then used to compile the rest of the JDK by running this interim 
> javac compiler on the boot jdk. I think the problems you are seeing appear 
> when building the interim versions of these modules as they will never see 
> the updates you are making to java.base.
> If that isn't the issue, could you share more details on what kind of 
> environment you are building on (OS, arch etc), how you configured the build 
> and the make command line you are using?
> /Erik
> On 2/26/24 05:40, Lorris wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I’m trying to build the JDK (version 23, my fork is up to date as of 
>> 2024/02/26) while adding new source files and also adding some fields or 
>> methods in existing files (in java.base and java.compiler modules). My 
>> problem is that when I try to build the image, most of the time (it seems to 
>> depend on the date of the last edited file) the new files and members I have 
>> added aren’t visible to the compiler which results in an error. Until now I 
>> have been using a workaround by building two times, firstly, only with the 
>> new code declarations and, secondly, with the references to this code. 
>> However, I’m now seeing the limits of this method.
>> Regards,
>> Lorris Creantor

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