On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 11:09:26 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > can we get rid of LDCXX?
> Yeah, that is something I plan to look into. Linking C++ object files with 
> gcc will fail; and it might be that linking pure C with g++ might be 
> problematic. If this is the case, I hope we can at least determine this 
> automatically which linker frontend to use, i.e. selecting g++ as linker 
> frontend if there is at least one .cpp file in the set of sources.
> This PR is actually a kind of prerequisite for that kind of work.

I'd certainly opt for selecting which linker driver to use automatically than 
using one for both; According to some discussions with several gcc maintainers 
(https://web.libera.chat/) they really aren't meant to be intermingled
Also was fine with LANG; There wasn't a need to change it to LINK_TYPE, but oh 


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17986#issuecomment-1966341897

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